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How much sex does a person need?

How much sex does a person need?
Posted By: System Published: 16/11/2020 Times Read: 922 Comments: 0

One of the most difficult questions, which is honestly very difficult to answer, is the question of how much sex a person needs. Each person is completely unique and their needs, including sex, are different.

The need for the amount of sexual intercourse is also determined by such factors as a person's age or state of health.

18-29 years

Most often, young people between the ages of 18 and 29 make love, as research shows that the need for sex is the highest in this age group. The conducted studies and the material collected during them allow us to claim that young people make love on average 2 times a week, which would correspond to approximately 112 times a year. Young people of this age are often still looking for themselves, get to know each other more easily, and gain experience, so both the number of sex partners and the frequency of intercourse may be higher compared to people of other age groups, as well as the desire to try as many erotic poses, sex toys and seduction as possible.

30-39 years

People aged 30 to 39 are also "happy" with a sufficiently active sex life. According to research data, it can be said that people of this age make love on average 1.6 times a week, which would correspond to 86 times a year. An extremely fast rhythm of life, stress, great attention to the offspring, the pursuit of a career and other factors seem to push sexual intercourse to the "second plan", so its frequency may be less frequent. It should also be mentioned that people aged between 30 and 39 years. age is more about the quality of sex than the quantity. This fact emerges from the various results of the study, which are conditional from the responses of the respondents.

40-49 years

People aged 40 to 49 years. the circle of people, by comparison, is still young, but their need for sex is 19.77 percent. less than people aged 30-39 and even 38.39 percent. people younger than 18-29 years, that is, on average, such couples make love 69 times a year. According to scientists, such a decrease in the need for sexual life is closely related to people's age and related health problems: various chronic diseases have an extremely negative effect on the desire to have sex, which directly affects not only the quality of sexual life, but also the frequency of intercourse.

50-90 years

Those over 50 fall in love the least. to 90 This is because as we get older, our sexual desire and need for sex decreases. Such a situation is the norm in society, so older people turn to specialists less often when faced with problems that complicate their sex life, and do not pay attention to their sexuality.


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