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Sex after childbirth - when is it possible?

Sex after childbirth - when is it possible?
Posted By: System Published: 16/11/2020 Times Read: 571 Comments: 0

The birth of a child is a special moment in the life of every couple. However, after the birth of a child, there comes a time when you start thinking about intimate relationships again. When is it safe to be intimate after a miracle comes into your couple's life?

Sexual relations in the early postpartum period

Sexual relations in the early postpartum period should be taken very responsibly. Remember that after giving birth, a woman's body needs time to recover and heal the wounds of the uterus. Untreated wounds can easily become infected, and early intercourse can become a reason for the infection to enter the body. It should be noted that sex in the early postpartum period, especially during the first two weeks after delivery, also increases the risk of secondary postpartum hemorrhage.

The beginning of sexual life after childbirth

The postpartum period is a time when it is neither desirable nor recommended for women to engage in sexual intercourse. This period of 4-6 weeks is for the bleeding related to the birth to stop, various tears to heal, etc. In the postpartum period, the cervix only shrinks, which means that sexual relations during this period are not safe, because, as already mentioned, there is a high chance of contracting infectious diseases. 6 weeks after giving birth, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist who will assess whether it is safe to have sexual intercourse.

What is sex like after giving birth?

A large number of women who have given birth say that sex after giving birth is like "the first time". Some are very timid and do not dare to approach their husband, while others take the initiative themselves. The first intercourse after childbirth can be both painful and not very pleasant, but you should not be afraid of this, because it is all temporary, and the second time will be much smoother and more pleasant. Of course, after cesarean section, perineal sewing and other procedures, you should choose calmer, gentler love games, not forgetting about the lubricant.

Are there any remedies to help overcome discomfort during sex after childbirth?

Discomfort and pain during the first intercourse after childbirth can be reduced by following some simple rules. One of them is a warm bath or shower before intercourse. Warm water will help relax tense muscles, warm and calm. The second thing you need to do is visit the toilet. Before making love, make sure your bladder is empty to reduce pressure and discomfort during intercourse. Third, take pain killers because they really help. Long foreplay and caresses are the fourth rule that will help make the first times after childbirth smoother. Prelude is necessary for a reason. It helps to significantly relax, get excited and prepare the body for sexual intercourse. Intercourse is often painful because the woman does not relax, so the vagina is not moistened enough: low humidity means more friction, which does not create pleasant sensations. And, finally, the fifth rule - don't bother looking for the right pose and don't spare the lubricant!


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